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Price list update - we are withdrawing the DC 1 plan and introducing a package of marketplace orders

From 1st July 2016 we will be changing our subscription plan offer. We are withdrawing the DEDICATED CLOUD 1 plan and introducing a package of 3000 marketplace orders, lowering monthly costs for customers who sell on marketplaces and Amazon, what makes the CLOUD plan even more attractive for such customers.

The change is triggered by the fact that the DEDICATED CLOUD 1 plan is not technically sufficient for a large number of orders or products. The restriction is caused by the memory limit. As a result, many customers who migrated to DC1, which theoretically constitutes a higher plan, had the impression that their shops are working slower than on the CLOUD plan. It is because DC1 is not a higher plan, since on the shared CLOUD servers memory is much bigger, practically without limits. The costs are the only limits in their case. We do not want to impose changes on customers who are happy with using DC1. All customers who are currently using the plan can keep on using it and other may migrate on DC1 till 30th June. However, please bear in mind that this plan is no longer recommended.

We do not want to withdraw the DC1 plan without giving a possibility of managing sales within more or less the same costs to marketplace and Amazon sellers. Therefore we are introducing a package of 3000 marketplace orders for £100 / 119€. Please remember that: 1 marketplace or Amazon order on the Cloud plan (in case of DEDICATED CLOUD there are no additional charges) generates 20 visits and 1000 visits cost £4 / 5€. Keeping in mind that calculation, 3000 orders from marketplaces or Amazon equal £240 / 300€. It means that the package lowers the costs up to £132 / 165€, offering management of a big business in the price of £139.99 / 163.99€ (CLOUD plan £39.99 / 44.99€ + package of marketplace orders £100 / 119€). The servers of the CLOUD plan will be strong enough to provide flawless performance in the same price. Therefore we expect that the change will positively influence customer satisfaction.

Of course, all the customers who appreciate the freedom in the DEDICATED CLOUD plans may choose them in the same prices.

Other changes:

  • We are withdrawing a working hour for training. We have unified it with a working hour of personalized works. It allows to use training as a part of implementation packages.

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